Jordi lectures is the summer school “Summer School in Computational and Theoretical Models in Neuroscience”, and supervises reasearch activities of 8 students Autor de l'entrada:web_so_Admin Entrada publicada:setembre 9, 2019 Categoria de l'entrada:Uncategorized També us pot agradar Jordi’s group particpates in the Latin-american Network Science Conference (LANET 2019) with two invited talks agost 4, 2019 The project MESOBRAIN celebrates its 3rd aniversary! octubre 11, 2019 The “CAIXA HEALTH” project in which we participate has been awarded! Official press release. Our project is an multidiiscplinary effort between IBEC, UBICS, IDIBELL to model and treat pathologies linked to the Tau protein in Alzheimer’s setembre 15, 2019
Jordi’s group particpates in the Latin-american Network Science Conference (LANET 2019) with two invited talks agost 4, 2019
The “CAIXA HEALTH” project in which we participate has been awarded! Official press release. Our project is an multidiiscplinary effort between IBEC, UBICS, IDIBELL to model and treat pathologies linked to the Tau protein in Alzheimer’s setembre 15, 2019